Role of Aatma Karaka & Amatya Karaka in Career.

Role of Aatma Karaka & Amatya Karaka in Career.


Today let's see the importance of Aatma Karaka and Amatya Karaka in knowing the right path of Career as it has also been a request. These two planets hold key in matters of right career in 90% cases as per my experience. So, let's understand these two planets and their impact on Career on the basis of following points -

Jaimini Astrology.
Aatma Karaka
Amatya Karaka
How to find Career through Aatma Karaka & Amatya Karaka

Jaimini Astrology - Basically, it is a concept of Jaimini Astrology where Sage Jaimini gave karakas to planets based on their degrees. He left-out shadow planets Rahu & Ketu from this scheme of Karakas. Karakas were decided based on their degrees in chart, like the planet with highest degree is named Aatma Karaka, and then going into descending order Amatya Karaka, Bhratru Karaka, Matru Karaka, Putra Karaka, Ghatni Karaka and Dara Karaka. Jagannath Hora Software considers Rahu as one of the karaka and also adds one more karaka as Pitru Karaka, i.e. between Matru & Putra Karakas. I don't know how applicable is it because I never saw Rahu & Pitru Karaka being used anywhere else. But anyways, our focus right now is on Aatma Karaka and Amatya Karaka.

Aatma Karaka - As I said, Aatma Karaka is the planet with the Highest Degree in our chart. It means this planet is Soul Significator. For proper understanding, this planet indicates your aim/purpose/destination of life. We are supposed to reach the place which is indicated by Aatma Karaka Planet, its position and house it rules. This will give us an idea of where we need to reach in this life.

Amatya Karaka - Now, as we know destination to reach through Atma Karaka, we should also know how to reach there? So, planet with 2nd highest degree becomes Amatya Karaka. It is a ride up to the destination. Things related with Amatya Karaka planet, its position and its rulership of houses will indicate about what actions a person should take to reach his destination, i.e. Aatma Karaka.

How to find Career through Aatma Karaka & Amatya Karaka? - So, now how to use AAtma Karaka & Amatya Karaka to find right Career Path? For this, we have two ways - 


  • Karakamsha Lagna - It is most commonly used technique. So, see the sign position of Aatma Karaka in D-9. Make that sign as Ascendant in D-1. Then see, which house Amatya Karaka is placed from this sign as Ascendant? For ex, suppose someone is Sagittarius Ascendant is D-1 with Sun and Mercury being planets of 2 highest degrees. So, they become Aatma Karaka & Amatya Karaka respectively. Now, see in which sign Sun is placed in D-9? Suppose Sun is in Cancer. Make Cancer as your Ascendant in D-1, which will be known as Karakamsha Lagna, and then see where is Amatya Karaka-Mercury is placed from Cancer as Ascendant. The house, where Mercury goes from Cancer as Ascendant, will give an indication about the kind of work person should do. Like if Amatya Karaka - Mercury is in 7th house then Business; 5th house then Teaching or working through his hobbies; 4th house then home based Business.
  • 2nd way is my way only. Hence, no name as yet. As I remain a "devotee" of D-1 chart, I will look at the house which Atma Karaka rules and sits in D-1. It will give me an indication about what person should achieve in life. Then I will look at the houses Amatya Karaka rules and sits. It will give an indication about what person needs to do. Like in above example of Sagittarius Ascendant, Aatma Karaka-Sun rules 9th house with Leo sign then it sits in 11th house in Libra. It indicates that person needs to use his higher education to help/serve all through a large institute. Now, if Amatya Karaka Mercury is in 8th house after ruling 7th house and 10th house, then it shows that his interaction with other people through his career of research oriented activities will help him to reach the destination which Sun is promising.

I know it is a bit confusing in 1st go but practice makes a man perfect. For me,it is simple. We just need to see the house planet rules and house it sits in. Then interpret it. Also use conjunctions with Aatma Karaka and Amatya Karaka to pin point the field or career.

Dashas - We always say that Dashas indicate the way our lives unfold. Now, it is strange that dashas always support the Atma Karaka or Amatya Karaka. In some charts early in life and in some charts with delay. But this only means that Universe gives a chance to everyone to fulfill his destiny, sooner or later.

Hope this helps. Thanks,

Vishal S Saxena - Astrologer.