Concept of Pushkar Navamsha & Pushkar Bhaga.

Concept of Pushkar Navamsha & Pushkar Bhaga.

So, before starting the next set of conjunction articles, let's take some of the requests. Today's article is one of the long time requests which I keep forgetting to write about. It is about Pushkar Navamsha & Pushkar Bhaga. It is one of the many simple and important concepts of Vedic Astrology. One way where Vedic Astrology has definite edge over any other system of Astrology is the amount of tricks and techniques it has to see someone's chart. I have not come across any other system with so many tricks and techniques. May be it is my ignorance on the subject or may be I need to research more on other streams of Astrology, but as little as I researched, I think Vedic Astrology has far more tricks or techniques to look into chart. With this prelude let's try to understand today's topic on following points -


Concept of Pushkar Navamsha & Pushkar Bhaga.

Meaning of the words.

Pushkar Navamsha.

Pushkar Bhaga.

My Understanding.




Again, this is purely my understanding of this concept and I never claimed to be perfectly alright all the time. People can have different opinion, interpretation and understanding of the same concept. So, let's begin -


Concept of Pushkar Navamsha & Pushkar Bhaga - This concept says that Pushkar Navamsha & Pushkar Bhaga are some portions of zodiac signs which are specially auspicious and if a planet is placed in that exact portion of a sign then it is supposed to give an auspicious result. The concept further says that it is immaterial if planet is in good or bad dignity but as long as it is in that auspicious portion of sign, it is supposed to give good results. It is like Pushkar Navamsha & Pushkar Bhaga are kind of overruling every other concept of Astrology, which I may not be in agreement with. For me, everything adds up. So, this concept will also add up in already existing ocean of concepts.


Meaning of the words - Let's 1st understand meaning of words then it may become easy to understand the concept. Pushkar can be split into 2 portions, i.e. Push + Kar. "Push" has a definite origin in the word "Pushya" which means nourishment or taking care of. If we are aware of story of Pushya Nakshatra then we will realize that it is all about taking care of others without any selfish motives. So, Push means "Nourishing" and "Kar" obviously means "Doing". So, Pushkar would mean "doing nourishment". As we know "Navamsha" is the 9th portion of a sign and "Bhaga" means "Part". So, Pushkar Navamsha is an auspicious 9th portion of a sign which is supposed to nourish us if a planet is placed there and Pushkar Bhaga is an exact auspicious part of sign which is supposed to nourish us if a planet is placed there. Hope it is understandable.


Pushkar Navamsha - As we know that every sign is divided into 9 navamsha portions of 3 degree 20 mins each. You will get more information on creation of Navamsha Chart here - So, out of the 9 navamshas for a sign, 2 navamsha portions are considered Pushkar Navamsha for that sign. Like, Aries will have total 9 Navamsha Portions but only 2 of 9 will be designated as Pushkar Navamsha. These Pushkar Navamsha portions are as under for each sign-

  • ARIES: 20° 00″ to 23° 20″ and 26° 40″ to 30° 00″ will be Pushkar navamsha.
  • TAURUS: 6° 40″ to 10° 00″ and 13° 20″ to 16° 40″ will be Pushkar navamsha.
  • GEMINI: 16° 40″ to 20° 00″ and 23° 20″ to 26° 40″ will be Pushkar navamsha.
  • CANCER: 00° 00″ to 3° 20″ and 06° 40″ to 10° 00″ will be Pushkar navamsha.
  • LEO: 20° 00″ to 23° 20″ and 26° 40″ to 30° 00″ will be Pushkar navamsha.
  • VIRGO: 06° 40″ to 10° 00″ and 13° 20″ to 16° 40″ will be Pushkar navamsha.
  • LIBRA: 16° 40″ to 20° 00″ and 23° 20″ and 26° 40″ will be Pushkar navamsha.
  • SCORPIO: 00° 00″ to 3° 20″ and 06° 40″ to 10° 00″ will be Pushkar navamsha.
  • SAGITTARIUS: 20° 00″ and 23° 20″ and 26° 40″ to 30° 00″ will be Pushkar navamsha.
  • CAPRICORN: 06° 40″ to 10° 00″ and 13° 20″ to 16° 40″ will be Pushkar navamsha.
  • AQUARIUS: 16° 40″ to 20° 00″ and 23° 20″ and 26° 40″will be Pushkar navamsha.
  • PISCES: 00° 00″ to 3° 20″ and 06° 40″ to 10° 00″ will be Pushkar navamsha.

Another way of remembering it is -

  • For every Fire Sign (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) - 7th (Libra) and 9th (Sagittarius) Navamsha.
  • For every Earth Sign (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) - 3rd (Pisces) and 5th (Taurus) Navamsha.
  • For every Air Sign (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) - 6th (Pisces) and 8th (Taurus) Navamsha.
  • For every Water Sign (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) - 1st (Cancer) and 3rd (Virgo) Navamsha.

As stated above, any planet placed in these degrees in these signs will be considered as in Pushkar Navamsha and is supposed to give beneficial results. One of the reason behind this concept can be that all these navamsha portions are ruled by benefic planets like Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus. None of these navamsha signs are ruled by any malefic planets.


Pushkar Bhaga - Now, Pushkar Bhaga is even simpler. It is the exact degree in a sign where if you have any planet, then it is supposed to give good results. These degrees are as follows -

  • Exact 21st degree of Fire Signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.
  • Exact 14th degree of Earth Signs Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.
  • Exact 24th degree of Air Signs Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.
  • Exact 7th degree of Water Signs Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.

My Understanding - Now, my understanding is little different. I can accept that these exact portions or degrees of signs may be auspicious enough to give good results but at the same time we have to keep in mind that this is only one concept of Astrology and not the total Astrology. Also, a planet will always keep his basic nature no matter where it is placed. Like, Saturn will represent Hardship & Challenges wherever it is. Even if it is exalted in Libra, it is nothing but challenges in relationship (Libra). So, even in Pushkar Navamsha & Pushkar Bhaga, it will have its nature manifested. I can give my own example where I have Ketu in Pushkar Bhaga/Navamsha both and I have Rahu in Pushkar Bhaga. But as they are falling in 4th house/10th house axis, I still had issues with authority figures, career and had to change so many careers. We can say that in the end, it was all for good but we can't say that planets in Pushkar Navamsha & Pushkar Bhaga will never give any negative result. So, basic nature or representations of planet can have impact like many other concepts of Astrology. Also, Planetary dignity will be always at work. Suppose someone has Saturn in Aries at 21 degree. Although it is in Pushkara Bhaga but it is debilitated and it is debilitated very near to its deepest debilitation of 20 degrees. So, we can't say that his Saturn is all good just because it has moved few minutes towards 21st degree. So again, everything is in addition.


Dashas - Also, we can never forget the importance of Dashas in getting results. Even if I have 3 most benefic planets in Pushkar Navamsha & Pushkar Bhaga which are also in great dignity but if I am not under dasha of any of these planets then those planets are not even active. So again, everything matters and we can't judge a planet based on one concept of Astrology.


Conclusion - "Human Life on Earth is Bi-polar in nature. With Life, Death will always exist. With Prosperity, Poverty will always exist. With Peace, Violence will always exist. If you want one pole to exist then its exactly opposite pole will always and automatically exist. You can't expect only Happiness to exist and Sorrow not to exist. Those who talk about World Peace, Utopian World and Prosperity to all have no idea about Polarities of Life". - Osho


I hope you got my point.


Hope this helps. Please post any comment or query you may have.




Vishal S Saxena – Astrologer