Jupiter in Mrigshira Nakshatra

Jupiter in Mrigshira Nakshatra

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Let’s look at important things here –


Jupiter - It is the most benefic planet and it represents all the auspicious things like Knowledge, Wisdom, Law, Guru, Spirituality, Religion, Philosophy, Literature, Elderly People and Children etc. For a girl, Jupiter also represents Husband.


Mrigshira - Mrigshira is nakshatra of desire oriented people. Someone who is keep searching for his next desire satisfaction. It is a nakshatra of disguise too. It is also related with Spying or Stalking and travelling. Please read this to get detailed info about Mrigshira - https://www.astrosaxena.com/mrig.


Taurus - As Mrigshira is part of Taurus, Taurus sign and its representations become important here. Taurus is the 2nd sign of zodiac belt, so it represents many things related with 2nd house of horoscope like, Hoarded Wealth, Assets, Savings, Finances, Luxuries and Liquid Money. All in all a sign related with luxuries and all the conveniences of life. Taurus is consisted of 2 and half Nakshatras, i.e. Krittika, Rohini and Mrigshira. Taurus' lord is Venus.


Gemini - As Mrigshira is also a part of Gemini, Gemini sign and its representations become important here. Gemini is the 3rd sign of zodiac belt, so it represents many things related with 3rd house of horoscope like, Communication Skills (either written, oral or even by sign language), Marketing, Business etc. It is a sign basically related with communications and business ideas. Gemini is divided into 2 and half nakshatra of Mrigashira, Ardra and Punarvasu. Gemini's lord is Mercury, which is significator of Communications.


Venus – As Venus rules Taurus, Venus’ position and dignity is important to know about the overall functioning of any planet in Mrigshira/Taurus.


Mercury - As Mercury rules Gemini, Mercury’s position and dignity is important to know about the overall functioning of any planet in Mrigshira/Gemini.


Mars - As Mrigshira is ruled by Mars, Mars's position and dignity will also have an important role in functioning and results of any planet in Mrigshira.


Houses Involved – Also, we can’t afford to forget the houses involved as a planet can be ruling different houses and sitting in different house for every person as per ascendant and planet’s position. To know overall affect, we have to consider the houses involved as those areas of life are being impacted.


Interpretation of Jupiter in Mrigshira Nakshatra – When Jupiter is in Mrigshira Nakshatra, it is in friendly nakshatra as its lord Mars and Jupiter are best friends. At the same time, Jupiter remains in enemy signs in Taurus/Gemini both as they both are ruled by Jupiter's enemies Venus and Mercury. As I see, this position of Jupiter can be interpreted in two ways. Jupiter in Mrigshira/Taurus will show someone who is dealing with properties, real estate and wealth related matters. It is because Mars is ruler of Mrigshira and it represents real estate and Taurus is anyways sign of wealth and assets. So, they can be seen as wealth managers, bankers and counselors/guides in Taurus section of Mrigshira. They themselves can have good property and wealth. They can also be teachers in finance related education. In Gemini section of Mrigshira, they can be more involved into research oriented work as Mrigshira and Gemini both are information oriented. This position can make them more sexual too due to the story of Mrigshira and symbolism of Gemini. Best work with Jupiter in Mrigshira/Gemini can be of a teacher or counsellor as they can have lots of information about many different fields.


As Jupiter is in enemy sign in both, in relationship matters, it can bring frustration. Sexual relation can be a reason behind such frustration.


Role of Venus – Venus's position will become important in functioning and results of Jupiter in Mrigshira/Taurus as Venus rules Taurus. If Venus is in good dignity then Jupiter will have proper direction.


Role of Mercury – Mercury's position will become important in functioning and results of Jupiter in Mrigshira/Gemini as Mercury rules Gemini. If Mercury is in good dignity then Jupiter will have proper direction.


Role of Mars - Mars's position will also become important in functioning and results of Jupiter in Mrigshira as Mars rules Mrigshira. If Mars is in good dignity then Jupiter will have proper direction.


Other Factors – And of course, we need to consider conjunction, aspects, house lordship, house position and dashas etc to know the exact results of Jupiter in Mrigshira. So, we always need to take a holistic view of chart rather than just 1 planetary position.


Conclusion – So, this is how I see Jupiter in Mrigshira can work in a chart.



Hope this helps. Please post any comment or query you may have.




Swami Premanand Bharti